Arnaldo Morena e Jacopo Diamanti

DATE : 9 APRIL In 8 hours we will build an arduino lamp piece by piece , explaning all the logic and programming of its interactions with external enviroments LANGUAGE  Italian DURATION The workshop is full-day (8 hours) from 9:00 to 18:00, with one hour lunch break LOCATION Rome – Via Ermenegildo Frediani 50 A…


Marco Casario

DATE : 9 APRIL Learn the benefits of using a new development approach to create modern responsive web applications and help you enjoy writing HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript code. Discover what techniques, frameworks and libraries developers are using to build fast responsive web app experiences. LANGUAGE Italian DURATION The workshop is full-day (8 hours) from…

Marco Casario

Brenda Jin

DATE : 9 APRIL Experience with MV* frameworks like Backbone.js is a highly sought skill in today’s job market. This one-day intermediate/advanced workshop introduces the Backbone.js framework and best practices. This workshop begins with Object-Oriented JavaScript and ends with Architectural Design Patterns, giving students a subsantial overview of an effective MV* client-side tech stack. This…


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