Upgrading the Responsive Web Apps Development with HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and NodeJs


Learn the benefits of using a new development approach to create modern responsive web applications and help you enjoy writing HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript code.
Discover what techniques, frameworks and libraries developers are using to build fast responsive web app experiences.


The workshop is full-day (8 hours) from 9:00 to 18:00, with one hour lunch break.


Rome – c/o Engineering Department | Università degli Studi di Roma Tre  - Via Vito Volterra n.48 – Classroom :  N13

CHECK IN: 8:30 – 9:00

Early Bird: € 95 by Wednesday, 2 April  23:30 CET

Regular ticket: € 135

Marco Casario

Marco has been passionate about informatics since he was little more than a child and used to program games in Basic for Commodore 64 before dedicating himself, while still very young, to innovative projects for the web using Javascript and Flash. In 2001, he began to collaborate with Macromedia.

In 2005, Marco has founded Comtaste (www.comtaste.com,) a company dedicated to exploring new frontiers in Rich Internet and Mobile Applications and the convergence between the web and the world of mobile devices. Now his focus is on User Experience (UX) aspects to make sure that Enterprise softwares that run on several different devices are easy and pleasurable to use, and cloud computing with the Google Apps platform APIs and Google App Engine.

He’s main author of several books for O’Reilly, Apress, and FriendOfED such as: HTML5 Solutions: Essential Techniques for HTML5 Developers, CSS3 Solutions, Flex 4 Cookbook, Adobe AIR Cookbook: Solutions and Examples for Rich Internet Application Developers

Web Apps development has greatly changed over the past few years, with improvements in workflow and tooling.
Mobile devices are taking over the world but yet there’s still a huge gap between the web apps that can perform and fit well on any screen and browser.
Moreover the Web and the technologies built around it are constantly upgrading, and keeping up with what’s new can not be easy.
That’s why frontend developers have to be familiar with many different technologies and need a brand new approach, workflow, and technical skills.

This workshop focuses on solving real-world problems and helps you making better decisions for your responsive web apps and sharing code across teams.

Training objectives
This workshop is intended for those trying to create responsive web applications that run across different screen sizes and that perform well across browsers.

Hardware and software requirements

Participants are required to bring their own laptop with Google Chrome installed, and one editor to write code HTML5, CSS3 e JavaScript.


The workshop will be divided up into 4 sections: development workflow, HTML5 and CSS3 markup, Javascript, and advanced frameworks and libraries to optimize the streamline front-end development.

Topics covered include:
The new responsive development workflow
HTML5 APIs: Geolocation, XHR2, WebSocket, Web Storage
Integrating the Google Maps with the Geolocation
JavaScript Desing Pattern: the MVC pattern
Getting Started with NodeJs
Using NodeJs for developing a chat
Consuming a REST service with the Connection API
Saving the data locally with HTML5
Introduction to CSS preprocessor
Frontend Development Automation with Grunt, Bower, Yoeman
Optimizing the web app using the Chrome developer tools


A 40% discount of regular tickets price is offered to students. For any information please contact us at info@codemotion.it attaching document that certifies your student status.


The workshop will be held only if the minimun number of attendees is reached

For further information about this workshop email us at workshop@codemotion.it

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