From TDD to kanban board: one day through agile development


Test driven development in the morning, kanban board and lean management in the afternoon. A primer about agile values, principles and practices shown through games and hands-on activities.



The workshop is full-day (8 hours) from 9:00 to 18:00, with one hour lunch break.


c/o Polo Didattico - Piazza Oderico da Pordenone, 00145 Roma

CHECK IN: 8:30 – 9:00


Early Bird: € 95 by Wednesday, 2 April 23:30 CET

Regular ticket: € 135

Jacopo Romei

“I help companies improve their flow. Board advisor at @ideato. @CocoonPro member. Author. A cappella music, photo, sailing, MTB, travelling far & books.”

Fabio Mora

“I’m Fabio, an Italian life enthusiast and software developer. I’ve been an IT freelance for a couple of years, then CEO of my own web development Ltd. Actually, I write code for a small company and I’m involved in an innovative liquid organization. I also study Business Economics at the university. True passion for agile, extreme programming and open source software! After that I love singing, playing guitar, reading good books, hiking and traveling”

“I have seen a little bit of test driven development but I never made it fit my daily activity”. “I tried to use a kanban board but I don’t know what a WIP limit is”. “Jeeez, the more I push harder on job the more mess I get! Why?”. This and many other questions pop up in people approaching agile methods. It is perfectly expected, considering how interconnected all agile practices are. All in all, getting the agile development ‘big picture’ is key to get deep into it. Sure you may specialize in just one or two practices, but still understanding how every practice enhance others is paramount. This will help us keep awareness of our weak sides.


  • Learn what TDD means one step ahead of a “green bar”.
  • Learn what a code kata and a code randori are.
  • Learn writing thin “vertical” user stories.
  • Learn continuous integration requirements and to spot its true value
  • Learn pull systems dynamics with experiments and real generated data
  • Learn to visualize workflow
  • Learn systemic effects of your management decisions with experiments and real generated data
  • Learn collaboration patterns
  • Learn limiting your work in progress and your multitasking.

Hardware and software requirements :
We’ll work in group or in pairs, but each attendee must bring a laptop with software installed enough to bring an already passing ‘green’ unit test. Test itself will prove right environment configuration. No requirement on technology used: from Java to Python through Scala and Javascript. If you bring a green test, it’s fine.


  • Multitasking and its effects on ROI – 90 minutes
  • Test driven development kata – 90 minutes
  • The Dot Game – 60 minutes
  • Randori Dojo – 90 minutes
  • Frontal session about pull systems, kanban systems & kanban boards – 60 minutes
  • Writing thin user stories – 90 minutes


A 40% discount of regular tickets price is offered to students. For any information please contact us at attaching document that certifies your student status.

The workshop will be held only if the minimun number of attendees is reached

For further information about this workshop email us at

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