A NoSQL database and a browser peer-to-peer client: ideas, tips and tricks to create a new kind of web applications
The browser isn’t just a webpage navigator anymore; it can now be easily considered as a first class platform on which almost any kind of application can be run. In this workshop we’re going to discover some of the features and API that have made this change possible.
Via Capitan Bavastro 116, Roma
The workshop is full-day (8 hours) from 9:00 to 18:00, with one hour lunch break.
CHECK IN: 8:30 – 9:00
Early Bird: € 95 by Wednesday, 2 April 23:30 CET
Regular ticket: € 135
Sandro Paganotti
Sandro Paganotti (1983) is co-founder and software architect at Comparto Web. He loves coding Ruby and developing web interfaces that showcase the full power of HTML5 and CSS3. He’s author of “Designing next generation web Projects with CSS3″ for Packt Publishing, technical writer for html.it, teacher at Accademia di belle Santa Giulia, Google Developer Expert in HTML5, speaker at various technical events and co-teacher at the workshop “CodeJam” for Avanscoperta.
In this workshop we’ll to demonstrate how the browser is becoming a very powerful environment and can host complex application with the same features as their desktop counterparts.
We’ll test this hypothesis exploring some of the newest HTML5 features such as the Server Sent Events: a clever way to implement a long polling mechanism by delegating all the heavy lifting to the browse; very useful in projects that needs near real time data.
Peer-to-peer in the browser ? Easy with WebRTC ! We’ll explore and we’ll put to the test this set of APIs designed to allow the creation of a data channel between two browsers, with no server in between, to stream video/audio or even custom binary data.
And last but not least we’ll remove the veil on IndexedDB, a long ignored but powerful feature hidden in our browser that allow the creation of a fully functional NoSQL database that can persist data between different browser sessions.
This workshop is designed to balance some necessary technology overviews with exercises, demo and tips and trick targeted on the features we’re going to discover.
Hardware and software requirements:
To actively join the workshop a laptop is required with at least a text editor (eg: Notepad ++), a webserver and the most recent version of the two popular web browsers Chrome and Firefox.
A 40% discount of regular tickets price is offered to students. For any information please contact us at info@codemotion.it attaching document that certifies your student status.
The workshop will be held only if the minimun number of attendees is reached
For further information about this workshop email us at workshop@codemotion.it