We come and code in peace – Daniela Cecchinelli and Sara Quadraccia

Saturday, 12 April  - 15:30 to 17:00

WARNING: seats are limited, booking is required

If you are part of a  IT development team in which women and men collaborate and you always feel yourself as the dark side of the moon, this lab fit for you. Together we will explore where does this perception come from, how you can  improve the level of confidence in your abilities and how you can shift the point of view of others people towards you. The goal of the lab is to improve communication between men and women within the team. Starting from an historical review, we will try to define the state of art of gender topic and to identify the reasons which inhibit the step-in of women within IT and improve their awareness of their technical skills in a world populated predominantly by men.

This is workshop program:

  • Quick intro and ice breaking 
  • Setting up 5 teams of 6 people
  • Activities:  will be proposed 5 questions / key issues. Each team will identify, for each proposed topic, the “anchors”. The anchors are the obstacles that inhibit the integration of women in the IT team. 1 representative for each team will present to the other anchors identified. After the time of sharing the team will identify the action to “hoist” these anchors and share it with the other their own solutions.

Access to Labs is allowed to Codemotion Ticket holders

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