09:00 / 10:00
A scanner, clearly
Vicent Marti - GitHub, Inc
11:40 / 12:20
Elephant Carpaccio - come implementare micro requisiti di valore
Fabio Armani - OpenWare
12:30 / 13:10
Elephant Carpaccio - come implementare micro requisiti di valore
Fabio Armani - OpenWare
14:10 / 14:50
La cassetta degli attrezzi del Product Owner
Daniela Cecchinelli - dnsee
15:00 / 16:00
Sistematic Creativiy and Open Innovation by Serious Play and Games
Lucio Margulis - Juego Serio™
16:20 / 17:20
Refactoring Web Interfaces
Jina Bolton - Salesforce
17:30 / 18:10
Making BDD work for you
Nikolas Martens - rtens
09:00 / 10:00
PaaS Cloud for Node.js, PHP, Python and .NET
Beat Schwegler - Microsoft
11:40 / 12:20
SDK’s di sviluppo per il Mapping su Web e Mobile
Pino Gigante - Esri Italia spa
12:30 / 13:10
Time-Series Data In MongoDB
Massimo Brignoli - MongoDB Inc.
14:10 / 14:50
Make sense of your (BIG) data!
David Pilato - elasticsearch
15:00 / 16:00
Android chat app in the cloud
Alfredo Morresi - Google
16:20 / 17:20
Building Modular Java Applications in the Cloud Age
Bert Ertman - Luminis
09:00 / 10:00
11:40 / 12:20
12:30 / 13:10
09:00 / 10:00
"Come Fly with me"
Marco Dal Pino - DPCons
11:40 / 12:20
Programmare la Creatività
Lucia Zappacosta - Metro Olografix
12:30 / 13:10
Monitoraggio, logging e alerting moderni
Michele Finelli - BioDec
14:10 / 14:50
Hyperaudio - Weaving Audio into the Fabric of the Web
Mark Boas - Happyworm Ltd / Hyperaudio Inc
15:00 / 16:00
Introduction to Google Glass
Alain Regnier - Alto Labs
16:20 / 17:20
Finding Dragons
Mario Klingemann - Psykosoft
17:30 / 18:10
ROVINA: Robots for Exploration, Digital Preservation and Visualization of Archeological Sites
Vittorio Amos Ziparo - Algorithmica Srl
09:00 / 10:00
Developing in a Decade
Hadi Hariri - JetBrains
11:40 / 12:20
Your customers WANT to pay your testing budget!
Andre JAY Meissner - LabUp!; Adobe
12:30 / 13:10
Think horizontally
Andrea Giuliano - Dnsee
14:10 / 14:50
Crea il tuo ecosistema
Francesco Fullone - ideato
15:00 / 16:00
Software As Biology
Garrett Smith - CloudBees
16:20 / 17:20
17:30 / 18:10
Moving away from CRUD: DDD + CQRS
Forat Latif - Independent
09:00 / 10:00
Hackers vs Developers: vulnerabilità e soluzioni nello sviluppo di applicazioni Mobile
Simone Onofri - Techub S.p.A.
11:40 / 12:20
The magic world of Advanced Persistent Threat
Andrea Pompili - Independent
12:30 / 13:10
Android security (for developers)
Igor Falcomatà - Enforcer
09:00 / 10:00
Development and storytelling: a many-to-many relationship
Pietro Polsinelli - Open Lab
11:40 / 12:20
Avete avuto l’idea per il nuovo Flappy Birds?
Matteo Anelli - NTT DATA
12:30 / 13:10
Developing and publishing a multiplatform Indie Game using Mono: Doom & Destiny
Francesco Ficarelli - HeartBit Interactive
14:10 / 14:50
Virtual Reality & SimRacing in Assetto Corsa
Giovanni Romagnoli - Kunos
15:00 / 16:00
Native 2D Tools in the Unity Game Engine
Andy Touch - Unity Technologies
16:20 / 17:20
Introduzione allo svilupppo di giochi in HTML5 (con Phaser)
Valerio Riva - Interactive Project
17:30 / 18:10
Pre-production Design: how to breakdown a game idea in minutes.
Daniele Azara - Freelance
14:10 / 14:50
Managing Postgres in a devops environment
Gabriele Bartolini - 2ndQuadrant Italia
15:00 / 16:00
The Continuous Delivery Value
David Funaro - Dnsee
16:20 / 17:20
DevOps for developers or how to put a smile on your admin's face
Uwe Friedrichsen - codecentric AG
17:30 / 18:10
How to execute the performance tests during a build in a Continuos delivery environment
Andrea Bozzoni - Unisys
14:10 / 14:50
Introduction to WildFly application server
Francesco Marchioni - Mastertheboss
15:00 / 16:00
Backend as a Service: Parse
Maurizio Moriconi - MobileSoft
16:20 / 17:20
What's new in ASP.NET Web API 2.1?
Ugo Lattanzi - Gaia
09:00 / 17:00